game night

BIG NEWS: Our 1973 premium experience is coming back and it's better than ever!

We’ve been working on something behind the scenes for a few months and are excited to make the official announcement that a freshly remastered 1973 premium box is coming BACK to our store!

One of our core tenants at Hunt A Killer is “customer obsession,” so when we noticed that our Members were asking about 1973 and seemed curious about what this box entailed, we decided to re-release the experience after combing through the narrative storyline and making some changes to help streamline gameplay.

1973 is often touted as our most challenging experience!

1973 is often touted as our most challenging experience!

“When we first released 1973 we were a very small team working in a temporary office with very limited resources. We worked hard and made a great product, but Hunt A Killer has grown in the years since and we've learned a lot. We've always known 1973 to be an excellent experience, but this year we wanted to revisit it with our new understanding and our current capabilities to make it even better, make it really sing,” said product team Director of Current, Adam Mueller.

After the murder of their lead singer Darryl Fanton, FLUF became one of the most popular cult bands of the 1970’s. While the police ruled it an open and shut case, there are still many unanswered questions and loose ends. 25 years after the murder, can you finally close the case of 1973?

The main changes to gameplay include expanding one of the in-game websites and adding a new cipher to it, adding hints and tweaking some of the language found within the box’s clues for a more focused experience, and replacing the t-shirt with a new band poster. Our hope is that the new version will provide for a more cohesive experience overall.

1973 was the third premium experience we created as a company and from the start, Members seemed to enjoy little details that immersed them in the characters’ world and took them back in time. The game comes with a real, working musical record that enhances the overall storyline surrounding the groovy 70’s music scene. The album is also available on SoundCloud for those who don’t have a working record machine (which is probably most of us these days!)

Join our official Facebook page for the latest updates on the launch date for the remastered 1973 (hint: it’s coming up in early August!)