Use our database to find a group of fellow hunters on Facebook to connect with!

Connect with members on your episode number or in your area to solve your mysteries with, meet up with, and have fun!


*This program is opt-in based only and does not include the entire Hunt A Killer membership base. The members in this database are only those who choose to create an account and connect with other hunters.*



Getting Started


Step 1: Create an account.

Step 2: Log in.

Step 3: Search for other hunters on your episode or in your area.

  • Episode Searching
    • Every cycle from October, 2016 to July 2017 started on the 22nd of each month.
    • Every cycle from August, 2017 to present day starts on the 11th of each month.
    • Use the filter search tool to search for members in your cycle.
    • Example:
      • If you subscribed on April 30, 2017 - click "add filters" > "Date of Sign Up is before 5/21/2017" > "Date of Sign Up is After 4/22/2017"
  • Location Searching
    • Search by city, state, or country.
      • Ex. "Baltimore", "MD", or "USA"

Step 4: Reach out to other hunters on Facebook and have fun! Create groups of members on your episode on Facebook, meet up in person to solve your mysteries, etc. The possibilities are endless!